
Easter Sunday

{ almond chila conventual cake }

Chila (fig-leaf squash) is a very important ingredient in many conventual dessert recipes that are traditional in Portugal. These recipes had their origins in the middle age, by the hands of the nuns, and are mostly loaded with sugar and egg yolks. Desserts like this Chila Cake usually feature in all religious holidays, particularly at Easter Sunday lunch table.

(This post was edited on the 12th June, 2015. Recipe and pictures remain the same, only some text was added.)

So I'm back again. One week holiday in the South of the country and an Easter Sunday with the family... I bring you one of the recipes I made for Easter lunch. This was taken from Joana Roque's "Feito em Casa" book (you can find her here: http://paracozinhar.blogspot.pt/, and she has a new book now!), and it's a conventual-inspired cake, perfect for the occasion!

bolo conventual de amêndoa e chila.
para a mesa de Páscoa.

3 ovos
3 gemas
250g de açúcar
250g de amêndoa ralada
250g de doce de gila
1 colher de chá de canela

Pré-aquecer o forno a 180ªC.
Forrar uma forma de fundo amovível com papel vegetal e untar generosamente este com manteiga.
Com uma batedeira eléctrica na velocidade máxima, bater os ovos, as gemas e o açúcar durante cerca de 10 minutos. Juntar as amêndoas, a canela e o doce e misturar muito bem.
Deitar a massa na forma e levar ao forno cerca de 30 a 45 minutos.
Desenformar, deixar arrefecer, decorar a gosto e servir.


almond and fig-leaf squash conventual cake.
for Easter Sunday's table.

3 eggs
3 egg yolks
250g sugar
250g almond meal
250g fig-leaf squash jam
1 tsp ground cinnamon

Pre-heat oven at 180ºC.
Line a round springform with parchment paper and grease it generously.
With a hand mixer at maximum speed, beat eggs, yolks and sugar for about 10 minutes.
4) Mix in the almonds, the cinnamon and the jam,
5) Pour the batter into the pan and cook in the oven for 30 to 45 minutes,
6) Unmould and let cool, decorate and serve.

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